New Album: Simon Grossmann's "Bahía Margarita"


The confinement allowed me to imagine a place where everything is simpler and more joyful. We all have our Margarita Bay. With this album, I hope that those who listen to them will be transported to magical places where their memories merge with their dreams and find reasons to celebrate how wonderful life is. Recorded between New York and Miami, Bahía Margarita is my most ambitious work to date. 

After the success of my previous projects (Ciclo, Mujer Electrica, Triste Pero Fresh) I felt creatively stuck. I have always shown evolution in the projects I do, but Bahia Margarita is the most different work I have done. I had a hard time getting there, I had to tear down my entire process and change it from the root. Previously my music was always tied to specific moments and people in my life. With Bahía I wanted to get away from that and focus on what I would like to be living while still maintaining the intimacy that characterizes me. Sometimes it takes a little daydreaming to be able to face the realities of life. This pandemic caught us all by surprise. The confinement allowed me to imagine a place where everything is simpler and more joyful. We all have our Bahía Margarita. I hope that those who listen to this  album will be transported to magical places where their memories merge with their dreams and find reasons to celebrate how wonderful life is. Much of the album was produced by Jose Luis Pardo, my mentor in this career and producer of both my previous albums. Another part was produced by Manuel Lara, one of the top producers of the new generation. Together with the guys from the band (Rodrigo Gamboa and Jose Adames) we produced a track (Las Olas). And I took the risk of producing the interludes by myself from my home studio. Everything was recorded between New York, Miami, and Venezuela. With nothing more to say ... I give you Bahía Margarita, my third studio album, and my most ambitious project to date. 

Simon Grossmann

Miami, 2021